
Khukh Nuur" in the Khar Zurkh Mountain is a beautiful place located in Tsenhermandal soum, Khentii aimag, Mongolia. Besides being a beautiful nature, the place is unique due to the fact that the most important event of history of Mongolia took place here. "Khukh Nuur" in the Khar Zurkh Mountain is a beautiful fresh water lake located at 1675 metres above sea level. The surrounding areas of the lake are forested Mountains which together form one of the most attractive places in Mongolia.


It is creation of volcanic air pressure under the ground. The cave is basalt, considered to be one of the biggest caves in Mongolia and the most beautiful cave of all the 200 caves found around Mongolia. It is peppered with stalagmites and the basalt walls are striking.




It is an extinct volcano of Dariganga soum in Sukhbaatar province, 1354 meters high and is worshiped by Dariganga people, representatives of one of the ethnic groups living in six southern soums of Suhbaatar aimag. The mountain was proclaimed as ‘The mountain to worship’ in 1913 by decree of Bogd Khaan, Mongolian religious leader. In 2004, it became a ‘Majestic mountain to worship’. Women are not allowed to go to the top of the mountain, but to a lower place.


Eastern Mongolian Steppe Strictly Protected Area - wildlife park/sanctuary/reserve located at Matad and Erdenetsagaan soums, Dornod and Sukhbaatar aimags, Mongolia. Authorities have been convinced that the area's fragile environment and endangered fauna and flora need to be conserved. There has animals: Mongolian Gazelle, Wolf, Corsac Fox, Red Fox, Badger, Great Bustard, Steppe Eagle, Upland Buzzard, Kite, Rough-legged Harrier and Asiatic Grass Frog etc. Dornod is currently the base of a multi-million dollar environmental protection project, which is researching everything from fires to field mice in an attempt to protect one of the world's last undisturbed grasslands. Three large Strictly Protected Areas (SPA) were established in the aimag in 1992.

BALDAN BEREEVEN monastery in Omnodelger Sum oKhentii province was first built in 1777. The monastery of Baldan Bereeven is surrounded by four mountains each said to resemble an animal: a lion on the east; a dragon on the south; a tiger on the west; and a Garuda on the north. Each cardinal point is also guarded by a Protector Deity. The originally temple was demolished during the persecutions of the late 1930s and the Red Jamsram painting damaged or destroyed. The Jamsran rock painting in the temple now is thought by some to be the original but no one is quite sure. At its peak it was one of the three largest monasteries in Mongolia and home to 1500 lamas. It was destroyed by thugs in the 1930s and by fire in the 1970s. Now only ruins remain. On the rock above a complex of small temples, now in ruins, is a Soyombo, the head symbol of the Soyombo Alphabet invented by Zanabazar. This Soyombo was reportedly painted by Lama Dampilranjamba in the late eighteenth century. According to legend Dampilranjamba said, "This Soyombo will remain here long after the rest of the monastery is destroyed and fallen into ruins.”

Interesting site in east region is Ikh Burkhant, where there is a huge image of Janraisig (Sanskrit: Avalokitesvara) carved into the hillside. Ikh burkhant complex locates in Khalkh gol soum of Dornod province. The carving was commissioned in 1864 by local regent Bat Ochiriin Togtokhtooriin, or Tovan (van means 'lord') and was reconstructed between 1995 and 1997. Carving of Ikh Burkhan is 30 m in long. 20 less carvings of god are circling big lying god monument.


In Khalkh-Gol soum of Dornod province, there is a battlefield dating back to 1939; the Khanan statue; a statue for Yakovlev; a statue for the Mongolian border troops; the Statue complex for Victory, the commanding point of G.K. Jukov, the Commander of the Red Army Corps; the entrenchment of L. Dandar, where he was conferred with the title of Hero of Mongolia, and the place where M. Ekey was awarded the Hero of Mongolia. There are many statues in Choibalsan town, including those for H. Choibalsan, Soviet pilots, honored author Ts. Damdinsuren; Burte Ujin, poet Z. Nyamsuren, N.F. Gastello; Soviet hero General Kurilatkin; and a memorial statue at the place where Byantumen town was bombed; as well as tombs of Soviet troops. Khalkh river is historical place of World war II. Mongolian side won in favour of Russian country in Khalkh river battle against the Japan.

Uglugchiin herem is located 45 km in south west of Batshireet soum center of Khentii aimag and 8-10 km from the delta of Bayan River and Uglugchiin River. It lies in a valley of Daichin Mountain and was built with skillfully piled stones without any clays and mud. It is about three kilometers long and it has two entrances, in south and north sides. There is a small soil dam remainder inside and piling of this wall can be clearly seen from its south east and south sides. Other parts became too difficult to distinguish from earth. The height of the wall was 2.5-4.5 meters when a Soviet archeologist S.Kondratiev measured in 1926, but its highest point is 3.1 meters and 2, 5 meters wide now. A tall rock inside the wall is called as “Horse handle of Chinggis Khaan” by local people. There was no trace of building and at the Uglugch wall and S.Kondratiev thought it was the stronghold of archers of 12-14 century because of earth leveled up to the wall height inside. Kh.Perlee said that it belongs to Khyatan time because of its clay and ceramic remaining. But there was not any writing about Uglugch wall and it located far beyond than Khyatan’s land at that time.

The Burkhan Khaldun is a mountain of the Khentii Mountains in the Khentii aimag of Mongolia. The mountain itself and/or its proximity areas are rumored to be the birthplace of Genghis Khan, as well as the purported location of his tomb. The mountain is located in the 12,000 km² Khan Khentii Strictly Protected Area established in 1992. It is considered the most sacred mountain in Mongolia, because it was first designated as sacred by Genghis Khan, although it previously had strong religious significance prior to Genghis Khan making it such a powerful landmark. This mountain is noted in Mongolian secret history which is historical note at Chinggis khan’s rule time.
For his 800th birthday, a statue of Genghis Khan was erected in 1962 at Deluun Boldog; a place believed to be the great khan's birthplace, close to what is today Dadal soum, an attractive wooded area in North-west Khentii region. 
The area contains trails and lakes for visitors as well as monuments where you can learn why this fierce warrior and great leader is still revered today. Dadal Sum once housed one of three great lamaist temples consecrated to Genghis Khan, but which was razed in the 1930s. Now there are stone monuments to him erected in the surrounding beauty of the Mongolian countryside. 
Palace of Chinggis Khan-Khuduu aral
Khuduu Aral is a plain about 30 kilometers long and 20 kilometers wide on the meander of the Kherlen River, west of the Kherlen Toono, and south of the mountain of Kherlen Bayan Uul, at an altitude of 1,300 meters above sea level. 
The site of Ikh Aurag (palace) of Chinggis Khan is on this plain. This site is closely connected with the historical work “The Secret history of the Mongols” because it was finished historic monument was erected here in 1990. Here are places such as Doloon Boldog and Shilkhentseg, mentioned in “The Secret history of the Mongols”